The Reviewers!

The Reviewers!
We are the Voracious Viking Vreaders

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Keven -- Scepter of the Ancients by Skulduggery Pleasant

Scepter of the Ancients is a fast-paced book that people will be skipping meals and sleep to get to the end of. In it a young girl named Stephanie finds out that her uncle is dead. At the funeral, Stephanie sees a strange man in a tan coat that covers most of his face and the rest of his face is covered by huge sunglasses. The top of his head is covered by a hat. Stephanie finds out that the man isn’t a man at all; He was actually a talking, walking skeleton named Skulduggery Pleasant. Skulduggery is an Elemental wizard so he has powers that are element based. Neferian is an Adept wizard which means he has powers that are not based on elements. He has a hand that is completely skinned. His hand is magical. If it points at you will die an agonizing death. The rest of the book is about Skulduggery’s path to revenge.

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