The Reviewers!

The Reviewers!
We are the Voracious Viking Vreaders

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scary School by Derek "the Ghost" Kent

26262626Scary School by Derek "the Ghost" Kent
Genre: Fantasy

How would you like to go to a school where the motto is that you learn more if you're scared?  At Scary School, all the teachers are monsters.  The nicest teacher is a vampire with only one fang, the meanest teacher has five simple but deadly class rules, and the cutest teacher is a hungry T-rex in a blue dress and matching blue bonnet.  Narrated by a student ghost, this first book in the series follows the lives of students and teachers around campus, leading up to the Ghoul Games, a deadly game of eating or being eaten.  This book pulls you in...could you survive?  Read if you dare!

Norma Rodriguez, Room 13:
"It was a superb fantasy book full of creepy monster teachers and unusual students. Awesome, entertaining, hilarious book.  If I were to rate it 1 to 100, I would definitely choose 100.  This story goes through the mysterious lives of some weird students narrated by a ghost.  Trust me when I say this, 'You have to read it.'"

Jennifer Abrego, Room12:
"Scary School is a short, funny, good read.  I though it was a good book, but like traditional literature.  It is full of funny pictures of the tons of characters you will grow fond of.  The characters are laugh-out-loud funny.  This is a great book for points too.  I really recommend it to everyone!"

Natalie, Room 12:
"I would recommend this book for people who like funny/humorous books like Scary School.  This book has some crazy twists and turns you will not expect with some creepy creatures and characters.  I also enjoyed this book because it leads up to something BIG.  One hint.  GHOUL GAMES!!!"

Bella Silva, Room 13:
"Scary School is very imaginative and funny.  The author of the book Scary School is coming on October 26th.  I am really looking forward to it.  It was also a quick read and you can get points quickly.  I think anyone will love this book."

JoAnna Juarez, Room 13:
"Scary School is an awesome fantasy/realistic fiction book that has a lot of monsters.  It was a hilarious book because of some of the things that happened to the students.  Also I liked it because the author is coming to our school on October 26th.  I can't wait for the author to come.  I am so excited."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dead to You by Lisa Mcmann

Dead to you is about a boy named Ethan who was abducted from his front yard when he was seven.  Nw he is sixteen and finds his fmily.  But things start to change and the family falls apart all over again.

I liked this book.  It was different in the way the story is told and kind of tragic.


The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann

The Unwanteds is about a place named Quill where at the age of thirteen you are sorted as: Wanted, Necessary, or Unwanted.  If you are Unwanted you are taken to the Death-Farm.  But when a group of kids are supposed to be eliminated something else happens.

I liked the book because imagination runs wild.
