The Reviewers!

The Reviewers!
We are the Voracious Viking Vreaders

Monday, February 6, 2012

Brianna Reads it All

ASHFALL by Mike Mulling

This story is about a boy named Alex who is teenager in Iowa. Alex is left alone for the weekend while his parents and his sister visit relatives in Warren, Illinois. While they are gone a volcano erupts. The rest of the book is about Alex's survival in the ash.
I liked it because it had nonstop action, a little romance, and very real science. I thought it could really happen which made the book more interesting.


This is about a boy named Jack Gantos. He is grounded for the summer for shooting a Japanese sniper rifle. He could only leave the house to do his chores and to help Miss Volker, an old lady who writes obituaries. In Norvelt, the old people are dying and their houses are being sent off to a different state. I liked the book because it had a little mystery. It was a good book but not one of the best I have read.


The book is about a girl named Malora who is part of the village. The village was attacked by leather wings. Malora escapes to the bush. Then she comes to a stop, she saw these horses that are half human, half horse. The rest of the book is about Malora’s survival with the centaurs. I liked it because it had action and classical mythology.

-Brianna Cendejas

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